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  • Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Construction Cost
  • $8,000,000+

Korte Stadium, home to Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s soccer and track and field programs, was constructed in the early 1990s. Oates Associates provided original site design and construction services for the track and field event area that included a soccer infield, as well as structural design of locker room and bleacher facilities with a press box overlooking the field. The site serves as a venue for high school, collegiate, national amateur and international athletic events. The facility also served as the track and field venue for the St. Louis 1994 Olympic Festival.

Under subsequent contracts, Oates has provided professional services for various improvements at the complex. We designed the reconstruction of the soccer field, including removal of the existing grass soccer field and construction of a synthetic turf field, which is made of recycled thermoplastic. Work also included storm drainage, concrete curb, and asphalt paving for a field throwing / jumping area.

Most recently, Oates provided design and construction services for the resurfacing of the 400-meter track, correcting drainage issues, replacing 6 pole vaults boxes, reconstructing the long/triple jump area, resurfacing the javelin runway, and replacing hammer/discus cages and shot put concrete pads.

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